Occidental articles
Green economy, finalmente una strategia energetica che può salvare l’Italia
Trends in Renewable Energy Production and Consumption in the USA
Why you should consider geography in your architecture and design
Long Plan: il progetto vincitore di Solar Decathlon China 2018 è anche italiano
Gaia: la prima casa in terra cruda stampata in 3d tutta italiana
Bioedilizia: arrivano le case in canapa che si stampano in 3d
Collaboration is the new innovation” – a powerful idea for the green building movement
A wall made of plants, green architecture to re-imagine cities
A wall made of plants, green architecture to re-imagine cities
Our Zero Carbon Home in the Shetlands: Case Study
A Primer on Green Architecture and Green Design
Bioclimatiche per città più fresche
Il grattacielo Unipol di Cucinella a Milano: 23 piani di sostenibilità
Most Sustainable and Green Building Examples From Across the Globe
Bioedilizia: arrivano le case in canapa che si stampano in 3d
Collaboration is the new innovation” – a powerful idea for the green building movement
Solar Energy: World's First Virtual Power Plant of Its Kind Coming to UtahThe project is coming to the town of Herriman.
World Green Building Week
Ambiente e Territori
Una città senza auto negli Stati Uniti
Oslo, prima città senza auto
Copenaghen rivoluziona il ciclo dei rifiuti
Los Angeles Funds 38 New Affordable Housing Projects to Help the Homeless
From Arched Eco Houses to Soccer Star Eco Abodes
Sustainable architecture, projects in Italy and around the world
Building a Sustainable Future: Architecture in Copenhagen
Natural-Built Tiny House Incorporates Biophilic Design And A Living Roof
Bringing Embodied Carbon Upfront
Why Architects Need Maths? Check Out These 5 Reasons
Digitalizzare i progetti e innovare la filiera: Assobim a Digital&BIM
World Green Building Week: Ten of Europe's most eye-catching sustainable buildings
Green & Sustainable: Building for the Future
LEED and the Future of Green Building
What is Green Construction?
Passive House Design
Sustainable Architecture: The Bank of America (Case Study)
Il fotovoltaico sul tetto potrebbe alimentare un quarto d’Europa
Municipio di Stühlinger, il più grande edificio a energia zero d’Europa
L’edificio in legno più alto al mondo è in Norvegia
Perchè il verde è il colore della sostenibilità (e perchè non ha senso che lo sia)
A Challenge to Cities: How Can We Incorporate Green Spaces
Mandating Classical Architecture Poses Technical Challenges Too
Chicago Children’s Theatre
Why Switch to BIM
What is Children’s Architecture Education
What a Global City Would Look Like Through Time?
What Makes an Office Building “Healthy”
Going viral: How the coronavirus pandemic could change the built environment
Architects and built environment professionals from around the world on COVID-19 and sustainability
New York is spending $1 billion to help residents conserve energy — and lower their bills
European Solar Rooftop Programme proposed by ITRE Committee as part of upcoming Renovation Wave
Oriental articles
Il piano cinese sulle energie rinnovabili che cambierà il mondo (e vale 50mila miliardi di dollari)
中国古代建筑的设计思想--Design Ideas of Ancient Chinese Architecture
Challenges in Green Construction Projects in Asia | Aedas Hong Kong | Benny Chow
Sustainable Design and Green Architects in Asia | IBM Big Green Innovations
What is Feng Shui? How Does Feng Shui Relate to Architecture?
Does traditional feng shui have an implication for green buildings?
建筑的艺术性与可持续性(The artistry and sustainability of architecture)
Green buildings, Singapore’s natural ally in climate change fight
How high-density, high-rise Hong Kong uses green buildings to help fight climate change
Why do I say Islamic Architecture specifically and how can it inspire
- Renewable energy has accounted for 1/3 of global installed power generation capacity
-171GW of renewable energy capacity added in 2018